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Does Pork Make You Gain Weight Does Beef Make You Gain Weight

Watching your diet and still gaining weight? Your nutrient choices may be to blame.

You lot've probably heard the term "food is medicine," but here'southward a pill that'south hard to eat: that's not always the case. Non only are some foods far from being medicine, but eating sure foods may fifty-fifty cause health problems that require you to accept medicine.

Some foods are so unhealthy that they can cause an array of ailments, from metabolic disorders to cardiovascular diseases to cancer. Weight proceeds, while definitely a negative side effect, pales in comparing. However, weight proceeds is the term that typically gets your ears to perk up, so we'll kickoff there. We found that foods that are scientifically proven to crusade weight gain—and that's going to be the least of your worries. Count these among the unhealthiest foods on the planet.

Processed meats sausage hot dog red meat deli meat

Eating cafeteria meats, bacon, hot dogs, and sausage aren't just making you gain weight—they may also be putting your life at hazard. Co-ordinate to a Harvard study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, processed meat consumption is associated with almost an extra pound of weight gain over a four-twelvemonth period. Weight gain isn't the only reason y'all should cutting back on your processed meat consumption. The food has also been associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cancer, and hypertension. That'southward why these are also on our listing of 50 Foods That Tin Crusade Heart Affliction.

soda glasses

Multiple studies have linked artificial sweeteners to excessive long-term weight gain. Researchers believe that drinking these not-nutritive sweeteners trick your body into thinking in that location are calories there aren't. The result is what they phone call "metabolic arrangements." Examples include poor insulin response and elevated blood glucose levels, which tin pb to fat storage and weight proceeds. Y'all may too suffer from a host of related disorders such as metabolic syndrome, blazon two diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Ridge potato chips in bag

While irish potato chips take never been confused equally a wellness nutrient, what'southward surprising is that out of all the foods that can cause you to gain weight—soda, junk food, water ice cream—the greasy spud chip is the worst offender. Co-ordinate to that aforementioned Harvard study referenced earlier, potato chips are the nutrient well-nigh strongly associated with weight gain over four years. Don't believe u.s.a.? Take a closer look at The Unhealthiest Murphy Chips on the Planet.

Looking for more helpful tips? Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest nutrient news delivered straight to your inbox.

Deep fry french fries in oil

The second food Harvard researchers found to cause the well-nigh weight gain? Potatoes. And more specifically, French chips, which were associated with an additional 3.35 pounds of weight gain over the course of 4 years. It'southward not merely that French fries extremely caloric due to absorbing all that fatty, only they're besides made through a dangerous process that can likewise cause weight gain. French fries are deep-fried. This method has been shown to yield a dangerous, carcinogenic chemic compound called acrylamide, which is associated with belly fat.

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

Certain, an occasional glass or so of alcohol won't cause weight gain lone; however, overdoing it on the booze is what volition cause you to pack on the pounds. It'south non simply that alcohol is full of empty calories. It's likewise that consuming booze has really been shown to flim-flam your body into eating more, likewise. A report published inJournal of the University of Diet and Dietetics found that drinking alcohol can cause people to eat an extra 384 calories a mean solar day. To drink in a salubrious fashion, have sips of water in between alcoholic drinks and try to avoid sugary cocktails.

White bread on wooden cutting board

Eating highly-refined, white bread should exist avoided at all price while y'all're working to lose belly fat. Studies show that eating refined grains can increment belly fat. Plus, staff of life is the food that contributes the most sodium to Americans' diets. All that sodium will cause you to gain water weight and volition lead to permanent bloating.

Iced tea

Sugar-sweetened beverages (soda, sweet tea, flavored juice drinks, sports drinks, and coffee drinks) are the single largest source of added sugar and the top source of calories in the U.S. nutrition. There is sufficient evidence to support that these sweetened beverages are the food item about closely linked to obesity and weight gain. Swap soda for water, smoothies, tea, or java. For some hydration inspiration, bank check out the detox waters for weight loss!

Olivia Tarantino

Olivia Tarantino is the Managing Editor of Consume This, Non That!, specializing in nutrition, health, and food product coverage. Read more


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